Customer Testimonials

The pricing is good. I have tried everything from Fiber Splenda in my coffee, to Fiber One snacks to gorging myself on fruits. I was sceptical getting these at first since it had 3 gram of fibre or so listed on the side, and I thought - yeah right no way that'll work - but they did! It has a laxative effect, so it despite the fibre content being low. Yummy and sweet, only a little is necessary, though consumed too much and you'll be on the can all day!

- Amazon Review ( Pitted Prunes)

A mix of robust & occasional thin sized almonds. But no damaged pieces. Wonderful product!

- Amazon Review (Almonds American)

It's a very healthy, yummy and ready-to-eat snack. A little expensive but totally worth it. I usually use this for milkshakes and baking purposes. Loved the taste!

Amazon Review (Dried Cranberry Slices)
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